- Primestar Max Dna Polymerase User Manual Online
- Primestar Max Dna Polymerase User Manual Pdf
- Dna Ligase
Primestar Max Dna Polymerase User Manual Online
PrimeSTAR GXL DNA Polymerase provides high yield, high specificity, and high accuracy for not only standard reactions, but also excels in PCR with GC-rich templates, in the presence of eXcess template, and for amplification of Long products up to 30 kb.
When fidelity is critical, choose PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase.
This unique high-performance DNA polymerase has the highest fidelity and fastest extension speed of any commercially available enzyme. In some cases, extension steps can be as low as 5-10 sec/kb.
For Research Use
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
Product Manual
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
Cat. #R045Q v1108Da
Table of Contents I.
II. Components.................................................................................................................3 III. Storage............................................................................................................................3 IV. General Composition of PCR Reaction Mixture..............................................3 V.
PCR Conditions............................................................................................................4
VI. Optimization of Parameters...................................................................................5 VII. Features..........................................................................................................................6 VIII. Electrophoresis, Cloning, and Sequencing of Amplified Products......... 11 IX. Troubleshooting....................................................................................................... 11 X. Related Products...................................................................................................... 12
Cat. #R045Q
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase I.
PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase is a unique high-performance DNA polymerase that possesses the fastest extension speed available, along with the extremely high accuracy, high sensitivity, high specificity, and high fidelity of PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase. High priming efficiency and extension efficiency greatly reduces the time required for annealing and extension steps, faciltating exceptionally fast high-speed PCR reactions. In addition, standardization of extension step time makes PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase suitable for reactions with large amounts of template DNA that would ordinarily be difficult to amplify. Furthermore, an antibody-mediated hot start formulation prevents false initiation events during the reaction assembly due to mispriming and primer digestion. Since PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase is configured as a 2-fold premix containing reaction buffer and dNTP mixture, it allows quick preparation of reactions and is useful for high-throughput applications.
II. Components (for 25 reactions)
PrimeSTAR Max Premix(2X) * Mg2+ concentration: 2 mM (2X)
III. Storage
625 μl
–20℃ Note: Repeated freeze-thaw of the enzyme may reduce its activity.
IV. General Composition of PCR Reaction Mixture Final conc. PrimeSTAR Max Premix (2X)
25 μl
Primer 1
10 - 15 pmol
0.2 - 0.3 μM
Primer 2
10 - 15 pmol
0.2 - 0.3 μM
< 200 ng *
Template Sterilized distilled water
to final reaction volume of 50 μl
* : Refer to VI. Optimization of Parameters Caution: The PCR reaction mixture can be prepared at room temperature. However, keep each of the reaction components on ice during the preparation process.
Cat. #R045Q
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
V. PCR Conditions When performing rapid amplification protocols using PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase, 3-step reactions are recommended for best results and longest amplification products. (A) For reactions in which the quantity of template is 200 ng / 50 μl or less:* 98℃ 55℃ 72℃
10 sec. 5 sec. or 15 sec. 5 sec./kb
30 - 35 cycles
(B) For reactions in which the quantity of template exceeds 200 ng / 50 μl:* 98℃ 55℃ 72℃ or
10 sec. 5 sec. or 15 sec. 30 - 60 sec./kb
30 - 35 cycles [3-step PCR]
98℃ 68℃
10 sec. 30 - 60 sec./kb
30 - 35 cycles [2-step PCR]
* : For rapid amplification protocols (extension step of 5 to 10 sec./kb) with cDNA as template, use a quantity of template that is to equal to or less than the equivalent of 125 ng of total RNA / 50 μl reaction.
If larger quantites of cDNA template are desired, by setting a longer extension time (up to 1 min./kb), it is possible to use up to the equivalent of 750 ng total RNA / 50 μl reaction.
See VII.C. Template Quantity and Reaction Speed Using cDNA as Template.
・Denaturing conditions:
98℃ for 5 to 10 sec. is recommended. If performing denaturation at 94℃, set the denaturation step for 10 to 15 sec.
・Annealing temperature:
Use 55℃ as the default annealing temperature.
・Annealing time:
For primers that are 25-mer or shorter: For primer Tm values (calculated by the formula below) of 55℃ or greater, anneal for 5 sec. For primer Tm values (calculated by the formula below) less than 55℃, anneal for 15 sec.
For primers longer than 25-mers: Use an annealing time of 5 sec. * Tm value calculation method: Tm (℃) = 2(NA + NT) + 4(NC + NG) - 5 where N represents the number of primer nucleotides having the specified identity (A, T, C, or G)
Important note: Because the priming efficiency of PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase is extremely high, use an annealing time of 5 sec. or 15 sec. Longer annealing times may cause smearing of PCR products visible during electrophoresis analysis. If smearing occurs when performing a 3-step PCR protocol, try a 2-step PCR protocol. See VI. Optimization of Parameters and IX. Troubleshooting.
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
Cat. #R045Q v1108Da
VI. Optimization of Parameters In order to obtain the best PCR results, it is important to optimize the PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase reaction parameters to fully utilize the enzyme's properties and advantages. (1) Template DNA Recommended quantities of template DNA (50 μl reaction) for rapid amplification protocols (extension step of 5 sec./kb): Human genomic DNA E. coli genomic DNA λDNA Plasmid DNA
5 ng - 200 ng 100 pg - 200 ng 10 pg - 10 ng 10 pg - 1 ng
When using more than 200 ng of DNA as template in a 50 μl reaction, use an extension time of 30 to 60 sec./kb for best results. For rapid amplification protocols (extension time of 5 to 10 sec./kb) with cDNA as template, set the template cDNA quantity to ≦ the equivalent of 25 to 125 ng total RNA / 50 μl reaction. See VI. C. Template Quantity and Reaction Speed Using cDNA as Template. Do not use templates containing uracil, such as bisulfite-treated DNA. (2) Amplified Product Sizes Amplification product sizes using an extension time of 5 sec./kb (for genomic DNA templates) or 5 to 10 sec./kb (for cDNA templates): Human genomic DNA E. coli genomic DNA cDNA λDNA
up to 6 kb up to 10 kb up to 6 kb up to 15 kb
When amplifying targets in excess of these lengths, try using an extension time of 15 to 30 sec./kb. In such instances, amplification is affected by the quantity, quality, and sequence composition of the template. (3) Primer and PCR Conditions Select primer sequences using primer design software such as OLIGO™ Primer Analysis Software (Molecular Biology Insights, Inc.). For general amplification, 20 to 25-mer primers are suitable. When amplifying longer products, the use of 25 to 30-mer primers may improve results. See section V. PCR Conditions. Do not use inosine-containing primers with PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase. (4) Annealing conditions Select annealing conditions as described in V. PCR Conditions. If low product yield occurs, try the following: (1) Shorten the annealing time. If performing at 15 sec., set to 5 sec. (2) If the annealing step has already been set to 5 sec., raise the annealing temperature to 58℃ - 63℃. (3) Perform 2-step PCR. (1) Lengthen the annealing time. If performing at 5 sec., set to 15 sec. (2) Lower the annealing temperature to 50℃ - 53℃.
Cat. #R045Q
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
VII. Features A. Rapid Amplification (1) With λDNA as template, amplification of products ranging in size from 1 to 10 kb was performed using an annealing time of 5 sec. and an extension time of either 10 or 30 sec. Template
λDNA [1 ng/50 μl reaction]
Thermal cycler
TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice (not available in the U.S.)
PCR conditions
98℃ 55℃ 72℃
[Extension time: 10 sec] M
10 sec. 5 sec. 10 or 30 sec.
30 cycles
[Extension time: 30 sec] 8
M (kb)
M (kb)
M: λ-Hin d III digest
Good amplification is observed for products up to 6 kb in length using an extension time of 10 sec and for products up to 8 kb in length using an extension time of 30 sec. When λ DNA is used as template, extension time of 5 sec./kb may be suitable.
(2) With human genomic DNA as template, amplification of products ranging in size from 0.5 kb to 7.5 kb was performed using an annealing time of 5 sec. and an extension time of either 10 or 30 sec. Template Thermal cycler PCR conditions
Human genomic DNA [100 ng / 50 μl reaction] TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice (not available in the U.S.) 98℃ 10 sec. 55℃ 5 sec. 30 cycles 72℃ 10 or 30 sec.
Cat. #R045Q
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
[Extension time: 10 sec] M 0.5 1
[Extension time: 30 sec] 6 7.5 M
M 0.5 1
6 7.5 M
M: λ-Hin d III digest
Good amplification is observed for products up to 4 kb in length using an extension time of 10 sec, and for products up to 6 kb in length using an extension time of 30 sec. With human genomic DNA as template, an extension time setting of 5 sec./kb may be suitable.
(3) With cDNA template, amplification of products ranging in size from 1 kb to 6 kb was performed using an annealing time of 15 sec. and an extension time of either 10 or 30 sec. Template
cDNA [equivalent to 100 ng total RNA) / 50 μl reaction] TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice (not available in the U.S.) 98℃ 10 sec. 55℃ 15 sec. 30 cycles 72℃ 10 or 30 sec.
Thermal cycler PCR conditions
10 sec
[Extension time] M 1
30 sec 6 M 1
6 M
M: λ-Hin d III digest Good amplification was observed for products up to 2 kb in length using an extension time of 10 sec. and for products up to 4 kb using an extension time of 30 sec. With cDNA template, an extension time of 5 to 10 sec./kb is required.
Cat. #R045Q
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
B. Length of amplification products With λDNA, E. coli genomic DNA, human genomic DNA, or cDNA as the template, amplification sizes of various DNA fragments were examined using an annealing time of 5 sec. or 15 sec and an extension time of 5 sec./kb (genomic DNA) or 10 sec./kb (cDNA). Template:
λDNA 1 ng E. coli genomic DNA 50 ng Human genomic DNA 100 ng cDNA equivalent to 100 ng total RNA Thermal cycler: TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice PCR conditions: 98℃ 10 sec. 55℃ 5 or 15 sec. 30 cycles 72℃ 5 (or 10) sec./kb [ E. coli genomic DNA ]
[λDNA ] M
8 10 12 15 M (kb)
10 M (kb)
M: λ-Hin d III digest
M: λ-Hin d III digest Good amplification of products up to 15 kb in length was observed using an extension time of 5 sec./kb. [ Human genomic DNA ] M 0.5
[ cDNA ] 6
7.5 M
M: λ-Hin d III digest Good amplification was of products up to 6 kb in length was observed using an extension time of 5 sec./kb.
Good amplification of products up to 10 kb in length was observed using an extension time of 5 sec./kb.
M (kb)
M: λ-Hin d III digest Good amplification of products up to 6 kb in length was observed using an extension time of 10 sec./kb.
Cat. #R045Q
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
C. Template quantity and reaction rate using cDNA as template Amplification of transferrin receptor (TFR) 4 kb in length was performed with cDNA as template. cDNA was obtained by reverse transcription of various amounts of total RNA, as indicated. The extension times were set to 20 sec (5 sec./kb), 2 min (30 sec./kb) or 4 min (1 min./kb), and the amplification efficiencies were compared. 5 sec./kb
30 sec./kb
1 min./kb
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M
Template quantity (50 μl reaction) 1 : cDNA equivalent to 25 ng total RNA 2 : cDNA equivalent to 50 ng total RNA 3 : cDNA equivalent to 125 ng total RNA 4 : cDNA equivalent to 250 ng total RNA
5 : cDNA equivalent to 500 ng total RNA 6 : cDNA equivalent to 750 ng total RNA 7 : cDNA equivalent to 1 μg total RNA M : λ-Hin d III digest
For rapid amplification protocols using an extension time of 5 sec./kb, it is necessary to use cDNA template that is ≦ the equivalent of 125 ng total RNA / 50 μl reaction. When using longer extension times (up to 1 min./kb), the quantity of cDNA template can be increased up to the equivalent of 750 ng total RNA / 50 μl reaction. D. Sensitivity With various amounts of human genomic DNA, E. coli genomic DNA, λDNA, or plasmid DNA as template, sensitivity was examined when amplification of a 4 kb DNA fragment was performed using an extension time of 20 sec. Thermal cycler PCR conditions
Human genomic DNA
TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice 98℃ 10 sec. 55℃ 5 sec. 30 cycles 72℃ 20 sec.
E. coli genomic DNA
M 1 2 3 4 M 1 2 3 4 M 1 2 3 4 M 1 2 3 4 M
M : λ-Hin d III digest Template quantity: Human genomic DNA E. coli genomic DNA λDNA Plasmid DNA URL:http://www.takara-bio.com
Lane 1 100 pg 1 pg 100 fg 100 fg
Lane 2 1 ng 10 pg 1 pg 1 pg
Lane 3 10 ng 100 pg 10 pg 10 pg
Lane 4 100 ng 1 ng 100 pg 100 pg 9
Cat. #R045Q
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
E. Accuracy Mutation frequency of PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase was examined by analysis of sequencing data. [ Method ] Eight arbitrarily selected GC-rich regions were amplified with PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase or other DNA polymerases, using Thermus thermophilus HB8 genomic DNA as template. PCR products (approx. 500 bp each) were each cloned into a suitable plasmid. Multiple clones were selected per respective amplification product and were subjected to sequence analysis. [ Result ] Sequence analysis of DNA fragments amplified using PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase demonstrated only 9 mismatched bases per 230,129 total bases. This is higher fidelity than an alternative high-fidelity enzyme from Company A, and 10-fold higher fidelity than Taq DNA polymerase.
mutation frequency(%)
Fidelity comparison of each enzyme
■ mutation frequency
Company A PrimeSTAR PrimeSTAR High Fidelity HS Max* Enzyme
* : Out of 230,129 analyzed bases that were amplified using PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase, only 9 base errors occurred.
Cat. #R045Q
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
VIII. Electrophoresis, Cloning, and Sequencing of Amplified Products 1) Electrophoresis TAE Buffer is recommended for agarose gel electrophoresis of amplified products that are obtained using PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase. Note : Use of TBE Buffer may result in DNA band patterns that are enlarged at the bottom of the gel. 2) Termini of amplified products Most PCR products amplified with PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase have blunt-end termini. Accordingly, they can be cloned directly into blunt-end vectors. If necessary, phosphorylate the amplified products before cloning. Use of Mighty Cloning Reagent Set (Blunt End) (Cat. #6027) is recommended for cloning into a blunt-end vector. 3) Restriction enzyme reaction Prior to performing restriction enzyme digestion of amplified PCR products, remove all traces of PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase from the reaction mixture by phenol/chloroform extraction or by using NucleoSpin® Extract II (Clontech Cat. #740609.10/.50/.250). Particularly for 3'-protruding restriction enzymes such as Pst I, the 3'-protruding termini produced by these enzymes may be deleted by 3' → 5' exonuclease activity of PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase, if residual polymerase remains present in the restriction digest reaction. 4) Direct sequencing Perform phenol/chloroform extraction of PCR products prior to direct sequencing to ensure inactivation of 3' → 5' exonuclease activity. Alternatively, NucleoSpin® Extract II (Clontech Cat. #740609.10/.50/.250) may be used to purify DNA prior to sequencing.
IX. Troubleshooting Event
Possible causes
No amplification or poor amplification efficiency
Extension time
Set to 10 to 60 sec./kb *
Number of cycles
Set to 35 to 40 cycles.
Annealing time
Set to 15 sec.
Electrophoresis analysis shows smeared band(s) or extra band(s)
Annealing temperature Lower by 2℃ per trial Reaction volume
Use 25 μl
Purity and quantity of template DNA
Use an appropriate amount of template DNA. Purify the template DNA*.
Primer concentration
Use 0.2 - 0.5 μM (final conc.)
Annealing time
Set to 5 sec.
Annealing temperature
Raise by 2℃ per trial up to 63˚C. Try 2-step PCR.
Template DNA quantity
Use an appropriate amount of template DNA. Do not use more than necessary.
Number of cycles
Set to 25 to 30 cycles.
Primer concentration
Use at a final concentartion of 0.2 - 0.3 μM
*: When using crude samples containing large quantities of RNA, such as samples prepared by thermal lysis, improved results may be achieved by setting the extension time to 60 sec./kb.
PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase
Cat. #R045Q v1108Da
X. Related Products PrimeSTAR® Max DNA Polymerase (Cat. #R045A) PrimeSTAR® HS DNA Polymerase (Cat. #R010A/B) PrimeSTAR® HS (Premix) (Cat. #R040A) PrimeSTAR® GXL DNA Polymerase (Cat. #R050A/B) PrimeSTAR® Mutagenesis Basal Kit (Cat. #R046A)* NucleoSpin® Extract II (Cat. #740609.10/.50/.250) Mighty Cloning Reagent Set (Blunt End) (Cat. #6027) TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice™ Gradient/Standard (Cat. #TP600/TP650)* * : not available in the U.S.
NOTICE TO PURCHASER : LIMITED LICENSE [P1] PCR Notice Use of this product is covered by one or more of the following US patents and corresponding patent claims outside the US: 5,789,224, 5,618,711, 6,127,155 and claims outside the US corresponding to expired US Patent No. 5,079,352. The purchase of this product includes a limited, non-transferable immunity from suit under the foregoing patent claims for using only this amount of product for the purchaser's own internal research. No right under any other patent claim, no right to perform any patented method, and no right to perform commercial services of any kind, including without limitation reporting the results of purchaser's activities for a fee or other commercial consideration, is conveyed expressly, by implication, or by estoppel. This product is for research use only. Diagnostic uses under Roche patents require a separate license from Roche. Further information on purchasing licenses may be obtained by contacting the Director of Licensing, Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA. [L15] Hot Start PCR Licensed under U.S. Patent No. 5,338,671 and 5,587,287 and corresponding patents in other countries. [M54] PrimeSTAR® HS DNA Polymerase This product is covered by the claims of U.S. Patent No. 7,704,713 and its foreign counterparts.
NOTE : This product is for research use only. It is not intended for use in therapeutic or diagnostic procedures for humans or animals. Also, do not use this product as food, cosmetic, or household item, etc. Takara products may not be resold or transferred, modified for resale or transfer, or used to manufacture commercial products without written approval from TAKARA BIO INC. If you require licenses for other use, please contact us by phone at +81 77 543 7247 or from our website at www.takara-bio.com.
Your use of this product is also subject to compliance with any applicable licensing requirements described on the product web page. It is your responsibility to review, understand and adhere to any restrictions imposed by such statements. 12
Primestar Max Dna Polymerase User Manual Pdf
Dna Ligase
Primestar Max Dna Polymerase Mastermix, supplied by TaKaRa, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 82/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more. Enzyme PrimeSTAR® GXL DNA Polymerase (Cat.# R050A). Methods Leaf tissue (10- to 20-mg samples each) was collected from young leaves of Arabidopsis, young leaves of tomato, or mature leaves of spinach. To prepare DNA, Takara Bio Plant DNA Isolation Reagent was used according to the product User Manual. No additional purification steps were. PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase, developed by Takara Bio, is a unique high fidelity DNA poly-merase that additionally offers high amplification efficiency for PCR amplification of DNA. PrimeSTAR HS's unmatched performance is achieved by a superior proofreading ability due.